The half term ahead is a very busy one! Currently, the children are busy preparing for their end of year show, “Cinderella Rockerfella”. Also, we have our Year 6 end of year trip to look forward to – bowling at Ashton Moss Hollywood Bowl on Thursday 25th July.

Geography: Are we damaging our world?

Our topic for this half term will be all about how we are damaging the environment – specifically climate change and pollution. We will look at climate change, endangered animals, threats to the ocean and different types of energy! Through our geography topic, we will also be creating some recycled pieces of art!

English: Endangered animal information pages

Our writing for this half term is directly linked to our geography work – we will be producing an information page about an  endangered animal (individually chosen by the children). Hopefully, the children’s final piece of work will be word processed to make it look like a published piece of writing!

Maths: Problem solving

We will be keeping our brains ticking over with daily arithmetic, whilst also doing lots of provblem solving too!