Ukulele Showcase

A big thank you to all the parents who made it to our ukulele showcase on Friday. I think you will all agree that the children were amazing.
Science trip to MOSI

Science trip to MOSI

The children had a fabulous day out this week, visiting the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester as part of our science topic on electricity We tried different scientific experiments,watched a show about engineering and took part in an electricity workshop,...
Paper Mache globes

Paper Mache globes

As part of our topic work this half term, we have been making paper mache globes to help answer our topic question, “Where on Earth are we?” We had to wait patiently for them to dry before we could add the detail but I think you will agree, it was worth...

Art with Mr Bayat

We have had a fantastic morning creating Leonardo Da Vinci inspired compasses with Mr Bayat. It wasn’t easy and we had to use very precise measurements but as you can see we tried our very best. It was great fun and we got to be really creative and add our own...