Year 4

What’s happening this half term?


Both our guided reading and English will be working from the text Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton and then we will be looking at various Ancient Greek Myths. This is a great opportunity for the children to let their imaginations wander as well as showcase their writing talents and creativity. We will be following a comprehensive spelling scheme which will allow the children time to practice some of their KIRF spelling words as well as learn some new spelling patterns.


We will be looking at fractions and decimals. The children will be consolidating last years learning. We will continue to work on daily problems to test our reasoning skills and will be working in pairs to solve open ended problems.

Arithmetic – Our multiplication facts are crucial to confidence with Maths so we will be doing a lot of work on learning these.


This term children will have two different topics that we will be exploring. We have looked at ‘How do we use our land?’ and this half term, we are looking at ‘How have the Ancient Greeks influenced our life today?’


In science, we are also looking at two different topics. We are starting with ‘What’s that sound?’ and after half term, we are looking at ‘What happens to the food we eat?’


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Welcome to Class 4

Please click the link below for my Meet the Teacher power point which I normally would have shared with you at the meeting. Hopefully this will give you all the information you will need for the beginning of this new year. Year 4 Meet the teacher September 2020